


1.1 In these Terms and Conditions the following definitions apply:

“Barrecore” means Barrecore Limited a company registered in England & Wales under company number 07673881

"Boom Cycle" means Boom Spin Limited trading under Boom Cycle and registered in England & Wales under Company number 07221639.

"Class" means a class provided by or on behalf of United Fitness Brands or its subsidiaries at the Studios or on-line.

"Class Pack" means the Package that entitles a Client to attend a set number of Classes before the expiry date of the package.

“Class Spot” means an allocated position in Class that Clients can book and are subject to capacity limits and restrictions

"Client" means any person that has completed a Registration Form which has been accepted by UFB.

“Instructor” means the duly qualified staff member of UFB hired (either as an employee or self-employed contractor) to lead the class that clients participate in.

“KOBOX” means KOBOX Limited a company registered in England & Wales under company number 09637731

"Monthly Subscription" or "Subscription" means the Membership with the rights and obligations set out in condition 3 including without limitation a "monthly unlimited" Membership.

"Package" means the different types of Packages that a Client may purchase including but not limited to a Class Pack, an Unlimited Membership and a Monthly Subscription membership.

"Registration Form" means the registration and/or application form completed by a Client whether electronically or otherwise.

"Studios" means any of United Fitness Brands and its subsidiaries studios as published on the Website from time to time

"Terms and Conditions" means these terms and conditions.

“UFB” means United Fitness Brands Limited a company registered in England & Wales under company number 12949685

"Unlimited Membership" means the Membership that entitles a Client to attend an unlimited number of Classes before the expiry date of the pass.

"Website" means www.boomcycle.co.ukwww.koboxboxingclub.comwww.barrecore.comwww.triyoga.co.uk and www.unitedfitnessbrands.com

1.2 These Terms and Conditions are incorporated into the Registration Form and any Package is subject to these Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time.

1.3 UFB reserves the right to vary and revoke these Terms and Conditions from time to time which it may consider necessary or desirable for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Studios and/or the conduct of Clients. Any such changes will be published on the Website and, until revoked, are binding on Clients.

1. 4 Any reference to United Fitness Brands (UFB) shall automatically include United Fitness Brands and all subsidiary companies owned or partly owned by United Fitness Brands including Boom Cycle, KOBOX, Barrecore & triyoga as well as any companies operating as a Franchisee of any of the UFB companies.

1.5 In these terms any reference to the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, unless the context otherwise stipulates


2.1 Subject to condition 2.2, when a person has completed a Registration Form they shall become a Client of UFB subject to these Terms and Conditions. No person may become a Client or receive any services without first completing a registration form.

2.2 Acceptance of a person as a Client is in the absolute discretion of UFB. 

2.3 A person shall cease to be a Client when they request their account is deleted. For the avoidance of doubt the provisions of condition 4 shall continue to apply after a person ceases to be a Client.

2.4 Subject to Clause 2.5, for Unlimited Memberships, the relevant start date in determining that expiry date is the date that the Client chooses for the Unlimited Membership to begin.

2.5 Packages shall expire in accordance with the specific expiry terms communicated during the purchase of that Package.

2.6 UFB reserves the right to expel from the Studios and classes, suspend for a specific period, terminate the Package of or refuse to renew the Package of any Client whose conduct is or may be, in UFB's reasonable opinion, damaging to the character of the Studios or amounts to a breach of these Terms and Conditions or where such expulsion is otherwise in the interests of another Client. Any Client so expelled or that has their Package terminated or suspended shall forfeit all privileges of access to Studios and classes and shall not be entitled to any refund.

2.7 A Client may attend Classes according to the type of Package which they have purchased.

2.8 Details of prices of Packages are available at the Studios or on the Website and shall be such prices as determined by UFB from time to time.

2.9 Subject to any statutory right of cancellation, payments for Packages are non-refundable unless otherwise stated in these Terms and Conditions. Fitness classes at UFB will be provided by the existing UFB Instructors. A Client shall not be entitled to any compensation, including without limitation a refund or a replacement class, where a specific Instructor is not provided.

2.10 Clients may cancel any purchase of any Package made online at any time up to the end of the 14th day from the date the Client receives confirmation of the ordered Package. Clients do not need to give UFB any reason for cancelling the Package nor will Clients have to pay any penalty. Clients cannot cancel any Package if the Package has been used by booking or attending a Class. To cancel a Package under this condition 2.10, Clients must notify UFB in writing or by email. Once a Client notifies UFB that they are cancelling their Package, any sum debited to UFB from their credit or debit card will be credited to their account as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days of cancellation.

2.11 Any Package must only be used by the person in whose name the Package was purchased and breach of this condition will lead to termination of the Package.

2.12 UFB sells ‘introductory’ passes to new Clients and these shall strictly be limited to one purchase per customer. Any Clients found to have purchased the introductory offers more than once within one account or across multiple accounts will have the package removed and no refunds may be given. Should the Client have already used the classes under the introductory offer then those taken classes shall we charged at the full rate for a single class.

2.13 The 'Introductory' pass cannot be shared and is only for use by the purchaser.


3.1 The provisions of this condition 3 shall only apply to a Client that applies for a Monthly Subscription Package by monthly payments as well as an Annual Membership.

3.2 Any Client, who is purchasing classes by Subscription, shall be entitled to participate in the number of classes and at the Studios stated in the package they purchased at the Studios or online until their Subscription terminates and any such Client will forfeit their Package if they fall behind in payment on the renewal date of their Subscription. Such Client shall remain liable for any outstanding payments.

3.3 Subscription fees must be paid in accordance with these Terms and Conditions irrespective of whether or not the Client uses the Studios' facilities.

3.4 Subscription fees may be increased at UFB’s discretion. Clients shall be given at least 7 working days' notice of any increase in Subscription fees.

3.5 Subject to condition 3.6 and any right of UFB to cancel or suspend the Subscription, the Subscription will continue indefinitely unless and until a Client requests to cancel their Monthly Subscription in writing to customer service, no less than 5 working days before their next billing cycle.

3.5.1 UFB will honour all subscription cancellation policies in place at the time of purchase before 20/12/2022, where clients can cancel their Monthly Subscription via the “Cancel Contract” option on their online account prior to their next billing cycle. No refunds shall be given to Clients in respect of any Subscription fees that have been paid.

3.5.2 Clients are not permitted to cancel their membership in order to take advantage of a new membership offer. UFB reserves the right to investigate and cancel any membership deemed to be abusing our membership policy and offers.

3.6 Clients who do not wish to accept a change proposed by UFB to any Subscription fees may cancel their Subscription by contacting customer service in writing 5 working days before their next billing cycle in accordance with condition 3.5.

3.7 If the Subscription is paid by debit or with credit card (or any Subscription fees remain outstanding beyond the due date) the Client unconditionally and irrevocably authorises UFB to debit any credit or debit card provided by the Client with the monthly Subscription fee (or any outstanding fees) without notice to the Client.

3.7.1 Authorised debits in clause 3.7 include but are not limited to all late cancelled missed ride fines under the monthly unlimited subscription as outlined in clause 3.8

3.8. For Clients on an Unlimited Membership any classes where a customer is deemed a no-show. Or cancels with less than 12 hours before the classes start time a late cancel or no-show fee shall be charged which shall be £10 per occurrence.

3.9. Monthly & Annual Packages may be can be paused four times per year, up to 4 weeks. For cases of medical issues, UFB reserves the right to ask for a letter from a GP or Physio in order to place any 'freeze' on the monthly Package longer than 4 weeks.  

3.9.1 During frozen periods: Freezes will run for the duration of the freeze with the payment dates being moved based on the restart date  

3.9.2 Cancel contractual membership subscriptions: Cancellation within term is only allowed based on medical, moving outside of a 15 mile radius of the studio. 

3.10 Annual subscriptions have a minimum 12-month commitment

3.10.1 Annual subscription renews after 12 months

3.10.2 Annual subscriptions can be paused once per year, up to 6 weeks. To pause, clients must contact customer service to process pausing

3.10.3 Any classes where a customer is deemed a no-show or cancels with less than 12 hours before the classes start time, a late cancel or no-show fee shall be charged to their account, which shall be £10 per occurrence

3.10.4 Client will be charged 12 months after their billing period (taking into account any pausing). To cancel, clients must give 5 days written notice before their next billing date via customer service.

4.1 In consideration of UFB accepting a person as a Client, the Client agrees that:

4.1.1 Neither UFB, nor its employees or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage or theft of any property (including bicycles) belonging to, or brought onto or left outside any UFB premises by the Client or any guest of the Client, unless, subject to condition 4.3 below, such loss, damage or theft was caused by negligence of UFB, or its employees, agents or sub-contractors.

4.1.2 Vehicles, bicycles and their contents, parked or locked up on or outside any UFB premises are left at the owners risk and UFB will accept no liability for loss, damage or theft in respect thereof, unless, subject to condition 4.3, such loss, damage or theft was caused by negligence of UFB or its employees, agents or sub-contractors.

4.1.3 Neither UFB, nor its employees or agents shall be liable for any death, personal injury or illness occurring upon any UFB premises or as a result of the use of the facilities and/or equipment provided by UFB, except to the extent that such death, personal injury or illness arises from any negligent act or omission of UFB or its employees, agents or sub-contractors.

4.2 Without prejudice to condition 4.1.3, it is the Client's responsibility to ensure that, in accordance with condition 7 of these Terms and Conditions, their physical condition is appropriate for participating in Classes and to ensure that they correctly operate or use any facilities and/or equipment provided by UFB, including the adjustment of levels or settings on any equipment. If the Client is in any doubt as to how to correctly operate any equipment, they should consult a member of staff before use.

4.3 Where loss or damage to property including vehicles, and/or their contents, brought onto UFB premises is caused by the negligence of UFB or its employees, agents, or sub-contractors, UFB liability shall be limited to £500 (for any one incident).

5.1 Classes may be booked online by Clients in advance via the Website.

5.2 Clients may cancel any classes booked online via the Website until 12 hours before the Class is scheduled to start.

5.3 If a Client arrives after the start time of the Class, unfortunately the Client will not be allowed entry into the Class for any reason. This is to preserve the experience of all the other Clients in the Class and make sure the Client hears the pre-Class advice and questions for their safety. If a Client misses a class in this fashion, they will be permitted to attend the next Class on that day that has availability if there is one.

Clients should check in 5 minutes before the start time of the Class. If a Client is not checked-in 5 mins before the start time of the Class and has not told the front of house team they'll be arriving less than 5 mins before the start time (either by email or phone) then the Client’s class spot may be given to anyone who is in studio and waiting to get into the Class. If the Client has not confirmed their booking before the ride 5 minutes before the start time and their class spot has been given away, we will endeavour to place the Client on another free class spot in the same Class or should there not be one, we will get the Client into the next Class on that day with availability if there is one.

5.4 If the online booking system shows that the Class is full then the Client will be invited to join a waitlist. If the Client joins the waitlist and a place becomes available in the Class, then the Client will automatically be added to the
Class until 12 hours before the Class is scheduled to start.

5.5 If a class spot becomes available between the hours of 22:00 and 06:00 the client will not automatically be added to the class.

5.6 If a Client is automatically added to a Class then they will be sent an email confirming this. If a Client is allocated a Class via the waitlist then these online booking conditions apply as if the Client had booked the Class online in the first place. A Client can remove themselves from the waitlist via the Website.

5.7 In the event of a late cancellation or if a Client does not attend a Class that was booked online (including any class that was allocated via the waitlist) or does not sign in on time in accordance with condition 5.3 then this will be classified as a "no show". In the event of a "no show" if a Client holds a:

5.7.1 Class Pack, one class will be deducted from that Client's Package; or

Unlimited Membership: a £10 no-show or late cancel fee shall be applied upon the second no show or late cancellation in every 90 day period 


6.1 A Client is entitled to use the Studios' facilities provided always that UFB may at any time withdraw all or part of its facilities or Classes for any period or periods and with notice, where practicable, in connection with any cleaning, repair, alteration or maintenance work or for reasons beyond its control. No refunds shall be given during any such temporary closure.


7.1 Fitness classes within UFB may involve intensive exercise. Each Client agrees to familiarise themselves with what Classes involve prior to assessing whether they are fit to participate in a Class. Clients should refer to the Website or speak to a Client of staff for further information.

7.2 Each Client warrants and represents on the date of their acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and on each occasion that the Client uses the Studios that the Client is in an appropriate physical condition to participate in Classes and that the Client knows of no medical or other condition why the Client is not capable of engaging in the Classes or exercises provided by UFB and that such Classes or exercises would not be detrimental to the Client's health, safety or physical condition.

7.3 UFB staff are not medically trained and are therefore not qualified to assess whether the Client or any guest is in appropriate physical condition and/or whether that the Client can engage in any exercise without detriment to the Client's health, safety, comfort, or physical condition.

7.4 Clients are advised not to undertake any physical activities without first seeking medical advice if they have concerns over their physical condition. UFB reserves the right to refuse access to any Client if, in its absolute discretion, it considers that the health of the individual concerned may be endangered by the use of UFBs facilities.

7.5 Clients shall not use UFB’s facilities if they are suffering from: low/high blood pressure, cardiac irregularities, any infectious or contagious illness, disease or other ailment or suffering from any ailment where there is a risk, however small, that such ailment may be detrimental to the health safety, comfort or physical condition of the other Clients. If there is any doubt, Clients should consult their doctor and must notify UFB of any circumstances affecting their health which may be exacerbated through continued use of the Studios.

7.6 Clients are required to follow the instructions of the instructor at all times.

7.7 Where required the client must ensure that they wear appropriate protective equipment including, but not limited to, hand wraps, boxing gloves and non-slip socks. Some protective equipment will be provided by UFB except for socks and hand wraps. If the trainer taking the class has reason to believe that any item of protective equipment belonging to the client is inappropriate the client will be required to change such item. If the client fails to comply with such a requirement the instructor may require the client to stop all further participation or limit or restrict any further participation as the trainer considers necessary to protect the health and safety of the client, other clients participating in the class, staff, and any other person for the time being present. If further participation is stopped or limited or restricted under this clause 7.4, the client will not be entitled to any refund of any of the cost of the class or any other compensation.

7.8 If at any time during participation in a class a client suffers any injury or illness (however minor), the client must immediately disclose this fact to the Instructor taking the class. Thereafter the client shall provide such further information relating to the injury or illness as the Instructor may reasonably request. If the Instructor has reason to believe that the client has any injury or illness which with any further participation would or could be a risk to the health and safety of the client, other clients participating in the class, staff, or any other person for the time being present, the Instructor may require the client to stop all further participation or limit or restrict any further participation as the Instructor considers necessary to avoid such risk. If further participation is stopped or limited or restricted under this clause 7.8, the client will not be entitled to any refund of any of the cost of the class or any other compensation, but UFB may (but is not obliged to) hold the cost of that class to the credit of the client and apply that credit to another class to be selected by the client (subject to availability).


8.1 Clients are requested to wear a form of dress appropriate to a fitness class. In the interests of safety and hygiene, no crockery, glass or food are permitted in the changing rooms or Studios. No pets (with the exception of guide dogs) are permitted in the Studios' buildings or grounds. Clients must use the main entrance to the Studios when entering or leaving the Studios. Fire exits, which are clearly marked, are there in the interests of safety and Clients must not interfere with these doors for any reason.

8.2 In the event of a fire, Clients are asked to make their way to the nearest available exit.

8.3 Smoking is not allowed in the Studios.


9.1 Details of Class times at the Studios and online may vary from time to time and are published on the Website. UFB reserves the right to change Class times or cancel Classes at its discretion and will endeavour to give Clients notice of such changes as is reasonably practicable.

9.2 Clients must at all times observe UFB’s guidelines which may be notified to them from time to time and are requested to comply with any reasonable directions which the management of the Studios may issue to ensure the safety of the Clients and the smooth operation of the Studios for the convenience of all Clients.

9.3 Clients consent to having their photograph taken by UFB at any time whilst using the UFB facilities and UFB reserves the right to use any such individual or group photographs of Clients and/or guests for press or promotional purposes. If a Client specifically does not want their photograph used for such purposes then they must notify UFB in writing.

9.4 Clients are required to give written notice to UFB of any change of address, mobile phone number or email.

9.5 UFB may communicate with the Client by email. By providing an email address to UFB the Client consents to receiving email communications from UFB, including notices pursuant to these Terms and Conditions. The Client also accepts the risk that email may not be a secure and confidential means of communication. UFB will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of communicating with a Client by email.

9.6 UFB reserves the right to refuse admission to the Studios.

9.7 UFB may assign the benefit of the Registration Form and a Client's Clientship to a third party at any time without notice to the Client.

9.8 A person who is not a party to the Registration Form has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely upon or enforce any term of the Registration Form.

These Terms and Conditions and any disputes arising from them shall be governed by the laws of England and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


10.1 By registering an account with UFB, you acknowledge to receiving marketing communications via email/phone.

For more information on our privacy policy, click here.

10.2 We will retain your information until we receive instruction to remove your UFB account.


1. Definitions and Interpretation In this Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings:

“Account” means collectively the personal information, Payment Information and credentials used by Registered Users to access Paid Content and / or any communications System on the Web Site;

“Content” means any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Web Site;

“Boom Cycle” means Boom Spin Ltd. Of 116 Baker St, London, W1U 6TS.

“Service” means collectively any online facilities, tools, services or information that UFB makes available through the Web Site either now or in the future;

“Services” means the services available to you through this Web Site, specifically indoor cycling, boxing, Barre, yoga and other fitness classes offered from time to time.

“Payment Information” means any details required for the purchase of Services from this Web Site. This includes, but is not limited to, credit / debit card numbers, bank account numbers and sort codes;

“Purchase Information” means collectively any orders, invoices, receipts or similar that may be in hard copy or electronic form;

“Premises” Means our places of business with addresses online via websites

“System” means any online communications infrastructure that UFB makes available through the Websites either now or in the future. This includes, but is not limited to, web-based email, message boards, live chat facilities and email links;

“User” / “Users” /"Registered Users" means any third party that accesses the Web Site and is not employed by UFB and acting in the course of their employment; and

“Web Site” means the website that you are currently using and any sub-domains of this site unless expressly excluded by their own terms and conditions.

2. Age Restrictions Persons under the age of 18 should use this Web Site only with the supervision of an Adult. Payment Information must be provided by or with the permission of an Adult.

3. Business Customers
These Terms and Conditions also apply to customers procuring Services in the course of business.

4. Intellectual Property

4.1 Subject to the exceptions in Clause 5 of these Terms and Conditions, all Content included on the Web Site, unless uploaded by Users, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, logos, icons, images, sound clips, video clips, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software is the property of UFB, our affiliates or other relevant third parties.

By continuing to use the Web Site you acknowledge that such material is protected by applicable United Kingdom and International intellectual property and other laws.

4.2 Subject to Clause 6 you may not reproduce, copy, distribute, store or in any other fashion re-use material from the Web Site unless otherwise indicated on the Web Site or unless given express written permission to do so by UFB.

5. Third Party Intellectual Property

5.1 Unless otherwise expressly indicated, all Intellectual Property rights including, but not limited to, Copyright and Trademarks, in product images and descriptions belong to the manufacturers or distributors of such products as may be applicable.

5.2 Subject to Clause 6 you may not reproduce, copy, distribute, store or in any other fashion re-use such material unless otherwise indicated on the Web Site or unless given express written permission to do so by the relevant manufacturer or supplier. Fair Use of Intellectual Property Material from the Web Site may be re-used without written permission where any of the exceptions detailed in Chapter III of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 apply.

6. Links to Other Web Sites

This Web Site may contain links to other sites. Unless expressly stated, these sites are not under the control of UFB or that of our affiliates. We assume no responsibility for the content of such web sites and disclaim liability for any and all forms of loss or damage arising out of the use of them. The inclusion of a link to another site on this Web Site does not imply any endorsement of the sites themselves or of those in control of them.

7. Links to this Web Site Those wishing to place a link to this Web Site on other sites may do so only with prior permission.

8. Deep linking (i.e. links to specific pages within the site) requires the express permission of UFB. To find out more please contact us by email at info@unitedfitnessbrands.com.

9. Use of Communications Facilities

 9.1 When using the enquiry form or any other System on the Web Site you should do so in accordance with the following rules:

9.1.1 You must not use obscene or vulgar language;

9.1.2 You must not submit Content that is unlawful or otherwise objectionable. This includes, but is not limited to, Content that is abusive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, ageist, sexist or racist;

9.1.3 You must not submit Content that is intended to promote or incite violence;

9.1.4 It is advised that submissions are made using the English language(s) as we may be unable to respond to enquiries submitted in any other languages;

9.1.5 The means by which you identify yourself must not violate these terms of use or any applicable laws;

9.1.6 You must not impersonate other people, particularly employees and representatives of UFB or our affiliates; and

9.1.7 You must not use our System for unauthorised mass-communication such as “spam” or “junk mail”.

9.2 You acknowledge that UFB reserves the right to monitor any and all communications made to us or using our System.

10. Accounts

10.1 In order to procure Services on this Web Site you are required to create an Account which will contain certain personal details and Payment Information which may vary based upon your use of the Web Site as we may not require payment information until you wish to make a purchase. By continuing to use this Web Site you represent and warrant that:

10.1.1 all information you submit is accurate and truthful;
10.1.2 you have permission to submit Payment Information where permission may be required; and

10.1.3 you will keep this information accurate and up-to-date.Your creation of an Account is further affirmation of your representation and warranty.

10.2 It is recommended that you do not share your Account details, particularly your username and password. UFB accepts no liability for any losses or damages incurred as a result of your Account details being shared by you. If you use a shared computer, it is recommended that you do not save your Account details in your internet browser.

10.3 If you have reason to believe that your Account details have been obtained by another without consent, you should contact UFB immediately to suspend your Account and cancel any unauthorised orders or payments that may be pending. Please be aware that orders or payments can only be cancelled up until provision of Services has commenced. In the event that an unauthorised provision commences prior to your notifying us of the unauthorised nature of the order or payment, UFB accepts no liability or responsibility. UFB will suspend provision of Services and the withdrawal of any scheduled payments pending investigation. Following investigation, it shall be determined whether or not to cancel the Services and make a full or partial refund of the payment.

10.4 When choosing your username you are required to adhere to the terms set out above in Clause 9. Any failure to do so could result in the suspension and/or deletion of your Account.

11. Termination and Cancellation

11.1 Either UFB or you may terminate your Account. If UFB terminates your Account, you will be notified by email and an explanation for the termination will be provided. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we reserve the right to terminate without giving reasons.

11.2 If UFB terminates your Account, any current or pending orders or payments on your Account will be cancelled and provision of Services will not commence.

11.3 UFB reserves the right to cancel orders or payments without stating reasons, for any reason prior to processing payment or commencing Services provision.

11.4 If orders or payments are cancelled by UFB for any reason prior to commencement of Services provision you will be refunded any monies paid in relation to those purchases.

11.5 If UFB terminates your Account any non-completed orders or payments will be cancelled and you will be refunded any monies paid in relation to those orders.

12. Services, Pricing and Availability

12.1 Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that all descriptions of Services available from UFB correspond to the actual Services, UFB is not responsible for any variations from these descriptions. This does not exclude our liability for mistakes due to negligence on our part and refers only to variations of the correct Services, not different Services altogether. Please refer to sub-Clause 13.4 for incorrect Services.

12.2 Where appropriate, you may be required to select the required package of Services.

12.3 UFB does not represent or warrant that such Services will be available. Availability indications are provided on the Web Site however these may not take into account orders that have taken place during your visit to the website.

12.4 All pricing information on the Web Site is correct at the time of going online. UFB reserves the right to change prices and alter or remove any special offers from time to time and as necessary. All pricing information is reviewed and updated every as appropriate.

12.6 All prices on the Web Site do include VAT.

13. Provision of Services

13.1 Provision of Services shall commence when full payment has been received or as otherwise detailed in the Terms & Conditions pertaining directly to those Services.

13.2 UFB shall use its best endeavours to provide the Services with reasonable skill and care.

13.3 Provision of all Services shall be subject to the terms and conditions pertaining directly to those Services.

13.4 In the event that Services are provided that are not in conformity with your order and thus incorrect, you should contact us within 10 days to inform us of the mistake. UFB will ensure that any necessary corrections to the Services provided are made within 7 working days.

13.5 UFB reserves the right to exercise discretion with respect to any alterations to Services under the provisions of this Clause 13. Factors which may be taken into account in the exercise of this discretion include, but are not limited to:

13.5.1 Any use or enjoyment that you may have already derived from the Services;

13.5.2 Any characteristics of the Services which may mean that cessation of provision is impossible without significant further work on the part and at the expense of UFB. Such discretion to be exercised only within the confines of the law.

14. Privacy Use of the Web Site is also governed by our Privacy Policy which is incorporated into these terms and conditions by this reference. To view the Privacy Policy, please click on the link above.

15. Disclaimers

15.1 UFB makes no warranty or representation that the Web Site will meet your requirements, that it will be of satisfactory quality, that it will be fit for a particular purpose, that it will not infringe the rights of third parties, that it will be compatible with all systems, that it will be secure and that all information provided will be accurate. We make no guarantee of any specific results from the use of our Service or Services.

15.2 No part of this Web Site is intended to constitute advice and the Content of this Web Site should not be relied upon when making any decisions or taking any action of any kind.

15.3 No part of this Web Site is intended to constitute a contractual offer capable of acceptance.

16 Changes to the Service and these Terms and Conditions

16.1 UFB reserves the right to change the Web Site, its Content or these Terms and Conditions at any time. You will be bound by any changes to the Terms and Conditions from the first time you use the Web Site following the changes. If UFB is required to make any changes to Terms and Conditions by law, these changes will apply automatically to any orders currently pending in addition to any orders placed by you in the future.

17. Availability of the Web Site The Service is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis. We give no warranty that the Service will be free of defects and / or faults. To the maximum extent permitted by law we provide no warranties (express or implied) of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of information, compatibility and satisfactory quality. UFB accepts no liability for any disruption or non-availability of the Web Site resulting from external causes including, but not limited to, ISP equipment failure, host equipment failure, communications network failure, power failure, natural events, acts of war or legal restrictions and censorship.

18.Limitation of Liability

18.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, UFB accepts no liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage, foreseeable or otherwise, including any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of the Web Site or any information contained therein. Users should be aware that they use the Web Site and its Content at their own risk.

18.2 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions excludes or restricts UFB’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from any negligence or fraud on the part of UFB.

18.3 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions excludes or restricts UFB’s liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising out of the incorrect provision of Services or out of reliance on incorrect information included on the Web Site.

18.4 Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that these terms and conditions adhere strictly with the relevant provisions of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, in the event that any of these terms are found to be unlawful, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, that term is to be deemed severed from these terms and conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions. This term shall apply only within jurisdictions where a particular term is illegal. No Waiver In the event that any party to these Terms and Conditions fails to exercise any right or remedy contained herein, this shall not be construed as a waiver of that right or remedy.


19. Competitions and prizes

1. Eligibility:
1. 2 The competition is open to residents of the United Kingdom who are [18 years of age or older/age of majority in their jurisdiction]. Employees, agents, or affiliates of the competition organiser, as well as their immediate family members, are not eligible to enter the competition.1.3 Proof of eligibility may be required, and failure to provide such proof may result in disqualification.

2. Entry:
2. 2.1 No purchase or payment is necessary to enter or win the competition.
2. 2.2 Entries must be submitted within the specified entry period. Late or incomplete entries will not be accepted.
2. 2.3 Each participant may submit only one entry, unless otherwise stated.
2. 2.4 Entries that are deemed to be inappropriate, offensive, or in violation of any laws or regulations will be disqualified.
2. 2.5 Entries must be original and must not infringe upon any third-party rights, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property rights.


3. Winner Selection and Notification:
3. 3.1 The winner(s) will be selected at random from all eligible entries received.
3. 3.2 The winner(s) will be notified by email within 10 days of the competition's end date.
3. 3.3 If the winner(s) cannot be contacted or fails to respond within the specified time period, the prize may be forfeited, and an alternative winner may be selected.

4. Prize:
15. 4.1 The prize(s) will be clearly described, including its approximate retail value.
4. 4.2 The prize(s) are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged or redeemed for cash or any other alternative.
4. 4.3 The competition organiser reserves the right to substitute the prize(s) with another of similar value at any time.
4. 4.4 Any additional costs or expenses related to the prize(s) and not specifically included in the prize description are the responsibility of the winner(s).

5. Publicity:
5. 5.1 By entering the competition, you grant the competition organiser the right to use your name, likeness, and entry for promotional and marketing purposes without further compensation or notice, unless prohibited by law.
5. 5.2 Personal information provided by participants will be used in accordance with applicable data protection laws and the competition organiser's privacy policy.

6. Liability and Indemnity:
6. 6.1 The competition organiser and its affiliates, agents, and employees shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury incurred or suffered by participants or winners as a result of participating in the competition or accepting the prize(s).
6. 6.2 Participants agree to release and hold harmless the competition organiser from any and all claims, actions, demands, liabilities, losses, or damages arising from or related to their participation in the competition or use of the prize(s).

7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
7. 7.1 These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
7. 7.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Please note that these terms and conditions may be subject to change or modification at the discretion of the competition organiser. It is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions periodically for any updates.


20. Previous Terms and Conditions

20.1 In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and any prior versions thereof, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail unless it is expressly stated otherwise. Notices All notices / communications shall be given to us either by post to our Premises or by email to info@unitedfitnessbrands.com. Such notice will be deemed received 3 days after posting if sent by first class post, the day of sending if the email is received in full on a business day and on the next business day if the email is sent on a weekend or public holiday. Law and Jurisdiction These terms and conditions and the relationship between you and UFB shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Law of England and Wales and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.