Boom Cycle for Mother's Day 2023

Boom Cycle for Mother's Day 2023

21 March 2023

To celebrate Mother's Day 2023 we spoke to 3 of our Boom Cycle instructor supermums. They've shared how they've showed up at Boom Cycle both pre and post natal and how it makes them feel. 

Carol Ann Van Deventer

For me, the physical benefits of continuing to teach Boom whilst pregnant were obvious: I had more energy, I felt fully prepared for labour and my postnatal recovery in both of my pregnancies were relatively easy. However, the benefits to my mental health far outweighed anything else. Undoubtedly, the most difficult part of my pregnancy and Boom Cycle journey was feeling extremely nauseous, tired and anxious in my first trimesters. It’s a time where you do need to take it easy and having had previous miscarriages I just didn’t want to do anything that might harm the pregnancy. That being said, Boom Cycle is absolutely safe throughout pregnancy as long as you listen to your body and intuition and take it at your own pace. We never call people out at Boom Cycle for modifying when they need too. So, if you want to stay in the saddle during your first trimester and skip the choreo (or even for your entire pregnancy) YOU DO YOU!  During my second trimester I noticed I was struggling to come out of the saddle during faster tracks. I had to remind myself that my body was changing so much to help nourish the baby and prepare for labour, and remind myself to focus on all the amazing things I could still do on the bike, rather than what I could no longer do. Getting back on the bike post pregnancy was intimidating and I had the typical mum guilt for leaving my baby for a few hours. However, happy parents mean happy children, and prioritising your mental wellbeing means you are able to be the best parent you can be. If that means taking an hour or two out of your day to do your favourite workout, DO IT! When I first started again, my parents would push my daughter around in the buggy outside the studio so I could do a quick feed before/after class if I needed to. I know some of our riders do the same with their partners and even swap off (one will take a class while the other has the baby, then the other will jump into the next class.) There are definitely ways to make it work. Finally, when you come back after having a baby, don’t expect to see immediate results. It took 9 months to grow your tiny human, give yourself as much time and grace as you need to get back to your pre pregnancy levels of fitness. There is no rush; we will be here for you whenever you’re ready.

Dawn McNish

Personally, Boom Cycle was the first time I focused on what my body could do for me. Often our bodies are in service to others but in that dark room it's just you & your powerful amazing self, so enjoy it. Celebrate whatever movement your body allows in that moment.For me, and many of my riders, that time in the studio is the only time to focus on you so take it, make it yours & get what you need! I've had mums tell me our classes are the closest they'll get to a club anytime soon. Prenatal Boom mamas please let your instructor know, your bodies are working hard creating life! We want to make sure we make any adjustments necessary so you can still enjoy your ride. Listen to your body & take it at your pace, you might find that your balance is a little off & some overhead weight moves might not feel great so simply leave them. Feel free to go heavier resistance for stability & slower beat. The later stages we want to make room for bump so if you need a hand adjusting let us know.

Nicola Bland

Trust your gut, you know how you feel today, you know when is right to take a seat, or to put those weights down, just breathe and listen to your body. Your main aim is to just move your body and enjoy your ride. These first few months your body is constantly changing and you are finding your feet so don’t be too hard on yourself. Whenever you feel is right, limit overhead weights, either keep them lower than your heart or use no weights and just shadow the moves. If you need help adjusting your bike to help support your growing bump please just give me a wave and I will help any way I can to make you comfortable. Postnatal, personally those first few months you are just finding your feet and trying to keep your head above water. You think you will never find time to workout and enjoy “me time” again, but you will and it’s all about balance. Ease yourself in, remember you've had time off, your body has been through an amazing journey so be kind to it when starting back. Make that time for you, it’s amazing what 45 minutes on the bike can do. Those endorphins kick in and remind you that you are in-fact Wonder Woman and you’ve got this! Give yourself that time and slowly you will start feeling like you again!

Thank you to these incredible mums for showing us how to pedal through life's ups and downs with grace and determination. You're an inspiration both on and off the bike!