Springboard for Better - Step 2

Springboard for Better - Step 2

10 May 2020

As we prepare to see some lifting of lockdown restrictions in the coming weeks, now is the time to prepare for the life you want to lead.

Last week we introduced Step 1, Self-Reflection. We asked you to slow down, and lean into the space you create, connecting with your inner wisdom to answer some reflective questions.

Our hope is that you started to gently question different aspects of your life and now have a better idea of what is working, what is not and what is missing.

This week, we will start to craft some structure around the change you desire. Grab the notes you made in your journal from last time, and lets get stuck in.


Step 2 - Identifying Change That You Desire

Last week you slowed down, shifted your perspective and noticed things about your life, maybe for the first time. The questions we asked you were not easy, we wanted them to ignite a variety of feelings inside of you.

When we feel sad, that something is missing, fear that time is passing us by, or anger that something is blocking us from moving forwards, then we are motivated to change.

Let’s face it, if we feel these things, but do nothing to change our life, then we will just continue to feel this way. Have you ever heard the saying ‘if you do the same things, in the same way, you get the same results?’

We want you to Springboard For Better from the place you are in right now. You have the power to change what is not working right now, all you need is some focus and clarity on exactly what it is you want to change.

So, grab your journals, and let's dive into a mental exercise for the week ahead. Below we have listed 8 different areas of life. Jot them down, and then give them a score between 1 and 10 rating 10 when if you are super happy and content in an area, and there is nothing you want to change, and scaling down to 1 if an area of your life is in nosedive and in need of a serious redesign.

Be sure to look back at the answers you came up with from the self-reflection questions in Step 1, as this will help you score each of these areas of your life.


Family & Friends

Health & Fitness



Significant Other


Fun & Recreation

Personal Development

Once you’ve scored all 8 areas, just sit back a moment and ask ‘is this an honest and fair evaluation of my life in this moment in time?’ If yes, you are good to go, if not, then change what you need to until you get a clear ‘yes.’

To finish this week, we are going to put some ‘spring’ into your ‘springboard’ for change. Look at your scores and identify the areas of your life that need change, and start to give shape to what these changes look like.

Get creative, use a mind map, a Pinterest board, list some sentences or check some Insta accounts that resonate with the change you want to make.

Now, slowly get more granular, and shrink the change you desire into a short positive intent for change, something like:


I want more time to be in nature

I will commit to regular meditation in my week

I will be brave and talk to people honestly about how I feel


Come up with between 5 and 10 positive intentions for change. Be big, be bold, because the opportunity that lockdown is giving us may never come our way again.

Over the week, keep checking back on your intentions for change, and tweak anything that needs to be brighter or clearer.

Once your list is complete, place your hand on your chest, start taking some deep breaths, and read through your list of intentions, as you prepare for the planning and strategy for change …. which is next week.