Springboard for Better - Step 3

Springboard for Better - Step 3

17 May 2020

SpringBoard For Better - Step 3

This last week we did see some easing of lockdown restrictions. Some people have reported increased anxiety levels as they start to leave their lockdown bubble, mainly because they fear the positive changes they’ve made in the safety of extra time at home may be lost as they transition back into our ‘new normal’ way of living.

We understand this, and have this covered for you. Our latest positive wellbeing campaign ‘Springboard For Better’ is our initiative in conjunction with Emotion Matters to get you excited about a new direction, a new way of thinking and a more fulfilling life as you leave lockdown.

During Step 1 - Self-Reflection we asked you to slow down, and lean into the space you create, connecting with your inner wisdom to answer some reflective questions.

During Step 2 - Identifying Change That You Desire we asked you to rate different areas of your life, and then identify between 5 to 10 intentions for change.

We hope you now have some clarity about which areas of your life need some TLC, and the changes you would like to make.

This week is all about planning. We want you to create a personal life strategy, so the positive changes you want for your life actually happens.

Grab your notes from stages 1 and 2, and lets get stuck in.

Step 3 - Creating Your Strategy For Change

First up, take a moment to acknowledge the action and commitment you have already taken to get this far through Springboard For Better. Keep going and stay the course, because the changes you desire for your life are now within your reach.

Lets start by putting some structure around your intentions for change by swotting up on some terms we are going to use to help us - we’ve added our Boom definition under the more formal ones above.



This is the approach you take to achieve your goal/s.

Springboard For Better is going to help me achieve all the goals for change I have for my life


A goal can be described as the change or outcome you want to achieve.

Ok, I’ve created my 5-10 intentions for change already


See this as measurable step/s you take to achieve your strategy.

So what do I need to do, and by when, to do get things moving?


These are the tools, resources and methods we use to complete our objectives.

Ok, so what resources, people, things can I access to get my objectives completed?


So far you have reflected on how you feel about your life, and the changes you want to make. So, we have covered the strategy and goals section - now for the objectives and tactics to help you achieve your goals.

Lets take one of the intentions for change from last week

I want more time to be in nature - this is your GOAL

Your OBJECTIVES for this could be something like

I will walk home from work through the park at least two times a week during the summer


I will arrange a walk with my partner in nature two Sunday mornings each month starting next month

Your objectives want to be SMART, that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound.

Now list TACTICS that will help you complete your objectives

I will schedule in my diary which evenings I will walk home from work in the week ahead on Sunday evening

I will set an alert on my phone to remind me that I am walking home from work that evening

I will talk with my partner and make a list of places in nature that we want to visit together


Use this formula to work through the 5-10 intentions for change that you created last week. Remember, these are your goals, now they need a strategy for how you will achieve them - this is where your objectives and tactics help you plan what you will do, so you can create the better, happier life you want to live.

Next week we will talk about your motivation to take action, and make your Springboard For Better plans become real.