Springboard for Better - Step 4

Springboard for Better - Step 4

24 May 2020

The weather has been beautiful, and for many this is a great motivator to get up and go outside to enjoy a walk with friends (from a distance), some time in nature or exercise like walking, running or cycling.

Now is the time to focus on how you want to positively change your life, and our mindful wellbeing campaign SpringBoard For Better, in conjunction with EmotionMatters, will help you achieve this.

In Step 1 - Self-Reflection we asked you to slow down, and lean into the space you create, connecting with your inner wisdom to answer some reflective questions.

In Step 2 - Identifying Change That You Desire we asked you to rate different areas of your life, and then identify between 5 to 10 intentions for change.

Last week in Step 3 - Creating Your Strategy For Change we asked you to become clear with your objectives and tactics that will help you achieve your goals, so you can create a life you love as we leave lockdown.

Are you feeling psyched and ready to rock your new life plan? Or perhaps feeling overwhelmed and not know where to start?

This week we’ve got your back, as we are talking about motivation.

Grab your notebooks, as we have a few exercises to sharpen your focus and get some fire in your belly.


Step 4 - Motivation To Take Action

So now that you are aware of the changes you want to make towards having a more fulfilled life, you might be wondering, ‘How do I actually get started and stay motivated?’

It is great you’ve taken time to reflect on your life, made a list of changes you want to make and created a strategy of how you are going to make these changes happen, but taking action is sometimes easier said than done, especially when ‘life happens’ and we slip back into our old ways of being.

Fortunately, there are tools and mental exercises you can practice that can empower you to take action, stay motivated and get you closer to the amazing life you deserve!

Some people struggle with procrastination, a mental block that stops us from taking any real action towards our goals. The outcome is missing out on greatness in our life, being the best version of ourselves that deep down we know we can be.

When you are about to take action towards a new goal or a new direction in life, you are stepping into the unknown. This can be scary as leaving our comfort zone and what feels familiar to us is hard. A ‘fear of failure’ or thinking ‘I’m not good enough’ are common experiences, traits of a perfectionist mindset.

Cultivating a growth mindset will help you shift your perspective. Giving yourself permission to make mistakes (and learn from them) as you step out of your comfort zone, and being brave enough to try something new, will help you experience change and growth.

Now we’ve got your mindset covered, let's focus on the motivation you need to take action!


Stepping Stones

When you have a list of things you want to do, it can feel overwhelming, you may feel lost as to where or how to begin, only ending up procrastinating and not taking any action at all. Now instead of focusing on every single goal that you’ve written in your personal life plan, focus on taking one step at a time.

To learn something new you have to start from somewhere. Focusing on enjoying the process rather than chasing the end goal, it will help you stay motivated and give you a sense of direction.

When you focus on the journey, and take that first step towards making your goal a reality, the next steps will unfold naturally from there. All you need to do is take that first step.

Before you start your day in the morning, use a notepad or a journal to set your intention for the day ahead. Ask yourself: What’s one thing I could do today to make progress?


Visualisation / Mental Rehearsal

Neuroscience tells us that our brain doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality, and we can use this to your advantage when it comes to motivation.

Visualising your future can help make your goals seem more real and give you that extra kick of motivation you need in order to get started. Try this mental exercise to get your imagination buzzing:

Find a quiet spot where you won’t be distracted, and rehearse in your head the desired ‘springboard for better’ outcome you want to achieve. Visualise yourself doing the actions. Be specific: What are you doing? Where are you and with whom? What are you thinking? How are you feeling?

Max out on glorious technicolour and vibrant sound, and turn up the volume knob on your feel-good feelings. Think about all the benefits you will experience once you have done the thing you really wanted to accomplish.

Having a tough day, no worries, use this visualisation as an anchor, go back to it every time you feel you are slipping back to your old habits.


Get Clear On Your Values

We are more likely to achieve our goals if they align with our core values and our mission in life.

Values are not just labels about our life that we stick on the shelf like a book. They are the energy and spice, action-oriented attitudes towards life that make us feel happy and alive.

Write down a list of your goals from the previous exercises, and opposite write down a list of your core values. See the links and connections between the two lists, and feel the fire in your belly ignite.

When your goals and values align, you are more likely to take action and achieve your goals. You will experience a greater sense of fulfilment, happiness and joy, as your life is now starting to take shape around who you really are.


We hope you are proud of what you have achieved so far, and now feel motivated to take cation to build the best life you deserve.

Our final blog in the SpringBoard For Better campaign next week is about accountability. So get ready to make some noise!